Monday, September 10, 2012

Why College?

That's a good question. Why am I here? Is it because a member from my church told me she didn't think I would graduate? Or am I here trying to escape an old relationship I was in? Or is it to get from under my parents roof? Or maybe because I know some people here? What if I know my grandparents are looking down from Heaven and I know they always wanted me to further my education? Or what if I feel  like I need to go since my parents never got the chance?

Even though I love meeting new people and I love to have fun, I just came for an education. Not to find a husband or party or anything else.  My original plan was to go to Xavier or Auburn. My parents were concerned about distance and hurricanes at Xavier and tuition was sky high for Auburn.

I think I came to school for the right reasons. I love being a Gamecock! And I really am having the time of my life!


  1. I see that we had similar choices for other colleges to attend! I understand you completely on why you are here though. Education first! Playtime later! No one wants to feel like the dummy in the room. Nothing wrong at all with advancing your knowledge. After all, Knowledge is power.

  2. You had some of the same thoughts I did. I considered the factors/reasoning for coming to college and some were because others have told me that I would not make it and because I want to provide for myself instead of always asking my parents for things. True, my friends go here as well but we have realized that we are supposed to have fun but there's a time and a place for fun causing us to focus more! I wish you nothing but the best in all that you strive for! :)

  3. There ARE many reasons as you said to why people chose to come to college. And maybe it's something that we don't talk about much, but even then, it became the trigger that launched us into where we are today. Also I had the same problem with choosing a college. Originally I wanted to go to the Art Institute in Atlanta, but It costs a whole lot to pay for college out-of-state. This school became my second option because it provided special majors that fit my interests completely.

  4. I can also relate to some of you're reasons for coming to JSU. Originaly I wanted to go to college out of state. I found out how much it would cost and here I am at JSU. I grew up twenty minutes from here so it was convenient. I hope that I am making my family proud, and I can only hope my grandmother is smiling down at me.

  5. My parents were concearned about me going off to a far college also... Thats one reason i chose JSU.

  6. Many of the questions you asked yourself were also questions of my own. We can all have multiple reasons why we chose college. I chose JSU because it's cheap and it's not to far away from home (but far enough ;D).

  7. Distance was also a problem with me choosing a college. My mother didn't want me to be to far, but I really admire the fact that you made it to college to prove the people wrong that thought you couldn't make it. College was and is just an educational thing for me too. I just have to manage in time to have fun too.

  8. The reasons you stated in the beginning I could relate to. I also escaped relationships and I did it to see my loved ones smile.
